Game of thrones mod skyrim
Game of thrones mod skyrim

game of thrones mod skyrim

Avoid magic, which Dothraki hate and fear. Other useful skills for a Dothraki are Smithing - always keep your blade sharp - and Archery - a Dothraki male will be able to accurately fire a bow from horseback by the time they are four. Try to increase Stamina as much as possible as well. As such you’ll want to go for light armour and one-handed for your main skills.

game of thrones mod skyrim

The Dothraki value speed, preferring the ability to dodge an enemy’s attacks rather than block them via armour. They travel in massive hordes, or Khalasars, and are led by male Khals and their queens, or Khaleesis. The Dothraki horse lords of Vaes Dothrak are fierce warriors who take what they want and give nothing back. There are many similarities between Skyrim and Westeros, and since nobody seems to have worked out how to make a good video game based on AGoT, why not use Skyrim? So, here are some Game of Thrones-themed roleplaying ideas. I have no doubt that anyone who enjoys Skyrim enjoys, or would enjoy, the book/TV series A Game of Thrones.

Game of thrones mod skyrim