They will need a place to sleep, a place to build and a regular supply of food, water and energy. Build your base: dig into the mineral-rich crust of Maia to build and manage a complex base that meets the needs of your colonist.Take direct control of robots, doors and cameras and explore your base in the first person, interacting directly with it while performing your robotic tasks. First person mode: discover Maia through the eyes of your pet’s AI.They can learn new skills, bond and relate, suggest basic changes, and even write poetry and music. They are deeply simulated from their mental states, metabolisms, illnesses, to the perspiration that evaporates from their skin. You will have to take care of their body and mind if you want one of them to survive.

Advanced Colonists AI: in Maia, you do not have direct control over your settlers, they operate on their own initiative, meeting their wants and needs.Once your base is up and running, settlers can start studying the native environment by looking for new ways to use Maia flora and fauna to their advantage. Some of the settler’s tools were brought with them, but others must be made from what they can find. Search and learn from the planet to survive: Maia is a hard science fiction game based on real or extrapolated technology.Developed by independent lawyer Simon Roth, Maia is a circular simulation game about the salvation and prosperity of another world. Your goal is to colonize the venom of Eden, to escape its danger and to create the first human court of stars. Maia Firestorm is a hostile alien, poisonous to humans, but living a new life.